0.1.0 - ci-build
This page is part of the 電子病歷交換單張實作指引(EMR-IG) (v0.1.0: Releases) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Draft as of 2024-08-23 |
Mappings for the PMRModel logical model.
PMRModel | ||
PMRModel | ||
hospital | ||
hospitalId | 醫事機構代碼:Organization.identifier.value 使用 Organization.identifier.type 識別類型 | |
hospitalName | 醫事機構名稱:Organization.name | |
patientInformation | ||
personalIDNumber | 身分證號:Patient.identifier.value 使用 Patient.identifier.type 識別類型 | |
chartNo | 病歷號碼:Patient.identifier.value 使用 Patient.identifier.type 識別類型 | |
name | 病人性名:Patient.name | |
gender | 病人性別:Patient.gender | |
birthDate | 出生日期:Patient.birthDate | |
bloodType | 血型:Observation | |
rhType | D抗原性:Observation | |
majorIllness | 重大傷病:Condition.code | |
historyOfAllergies | 過敏史:AllergyIntolerance.code | |
age | 就診年齡:Patient.extension.valueAge | |
occupation | 職業:Observation | |
identityType | 就醫身分別:Observation | |
opdDate | 門診日期:Encounter.period.start | |
department | 科別:Encounter.serviceType | |
diagnosis | ||
icdCode | 國際疾病分類代碼:Condition.code.coding.code | |
icdName | 國際疾病分類名稱:Condition.code.coding.display | |
note | 註記:Condition.note | |
conditionSummary | ||
subjective | 主觀描述:ClinicalImpression.note | |
objective | 客觀描述:ClinicalImpression.note | |
assessment | 評估:ClinicalImpression.note | |
procedure | ||
item | 項次:Procedure.identifier | |
procedureCode | 處置代碼:Procedure.code.coding.code | |
procedureName | 處置名稱:Procedure.code.coding.display | |
frequency | 頻率:Procedure.followUp | |
amount | 數量:Procedure.followUp | |
units | 單位:Procedure.followUp | |
part | 部位:Procedure.bodySite | |
note | 註記:Procedure.note | |
selfPaynote | 自費註記:Procedure.note | |
prescriptionContent | ||
item | 項次:MedicationRequest.identifier | |
typesofPrescription | 處方箋種類註記:MedicationRequest.category | |
drugCode | 藥品代碼:MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.coding.code | |
brandName | 藥品商品名稱:MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.coding.display,使用學名則填入於MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.text | |
genericName | 學名:MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.text或MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept.coding.display | |
dosageForm | 劑型:Medication.form.text | |
dose | 劑量:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.doseQuantity.value | |
doseUnits | 劑量單位:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.doseQuantity.unit | |
frequency | 頻率:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.code | |
routeofAdministration | 給藥途徑:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.route.code | |
medicationDays | 給藥日數:MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration.value | |
totalAmount | 給藥總量:Medication.dispenseRequest.quantity.value | |
totalUnits | 給藥總量單位:Medication.dispenseRequest.quantity.unit | |
actualAmount | 實際給藥總量:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.maxDosePerAdministration.value | |
actualUnits | 實際給藥總量單位:MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.maxDosePerAdministration.unit | |
powdered | 磨粉註記:Medication.form.coding.code | |
note | 註記:MedicationRequest.note | |
selfPaynote | 自費註記:MedicationRequest.note | |
familyTree | 家族圖譜:Media.content | |
opdImage | 門診圖像:Media.content | |
physicianName | 醫師姓名:Practitioner.name |
PMRModel | ||
PMRModel | n/a | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
hospital | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
patientInformation | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
diagnosis | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
conditionSummary | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
procedure | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
prescriptionContent | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A |