0.1.0 - ci-build
This page is part of the 電子病歷交換單張實作指引(EMR-IG) (v0.1.0: Releases) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Draft as of 2024-08-23 |
Definitions for the PMRComposition resource profile.
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. Composition | |
2. Composition.status | |
Binding | 診斷報告狀態;應填入Composition的代碼表中的其中一個代碼 |
Fixed Value | final |
4. Composition.type | |
6. Composition.type.coding | |
Control | 1..1 |
Pattern Value | { |
8. Composition.subject | |
Short | 報告文件有關的對象及(或)事物。 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-病人基本資料) |
10. Composition.subject.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Must Support | true |
12. Composition.encounter | |
Short | 報告文件來自於哪次住院基本資料。 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診日期、科別) |
Must Support | true |
14. Composition.encounter.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診日期、科別 |
Control | 1..? |
Must Support | true |
16. Composition.date | |
Short | 報告產生日期 |
18. Composition.author | |
Short | 報告文件有關的創作部分。關聯至門診病歷中的醫事機構或醫師姓名 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-醫事機構, 門診病歷-醫師姓名) |
20. Composition.title | |
Short | 報告文件的名字或標題 |
Fixed Value | 門診病歷 |
22. Composition.section | |
Short | 報告文件與哪些資料有關 |
Control | 8..? |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
24. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults | |
Slice Name | ObservationLabResults |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄 |
Control | 1..? |
26. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
28. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code | |
Control | 1..? |
30. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
32. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
34. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 19146-0 |
36. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Referral lab test results |
38. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-實驗室檢查紀錄) |
40. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄 |
Control | 1..? |
42. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness | |
Slice Name | ConditionMajorIllness |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病 |
Control | 1..? |
44. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
46. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code | |
Control | 1..? |
48. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
50. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
52. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 11338-1 |
54. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | History of Major illnesses and injuries Narrative |
56. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-重大傷病) |
58. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病 |
Control | 1..? |
60. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance | |
Slice Name | AllergyIntolerance |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史 |
Control | 1..? |
62. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
64. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code | |
Control | 1..? |
66. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
68. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
70. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 10155-0 |
72. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | History of allergies, reported |
74. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-過敏史) |
76. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史 |
Control | 1..? |
78. Composition.section:ObservationProfession | |
Slice Name | ObservationProfession |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業 |
Control | 0..1 |
80. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
82. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code | |
Control | 1..? |
84. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
86. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
88. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 21847-9 |
90. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Usual occupation Narrative |
92. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-職業) |
94. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業 |
Control | 1..? |
96. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier | |
Slice Name | CoverageIdentifier |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別 |
Control | 1..1 |
98. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
Must Support | false |
100. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code | |
Control | 1..? |
102. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
104. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
106. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 63513-6 |
108. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Are you covered by health insurance or some other kind of health care plan [PhenX] |
110. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(電子處方箋/調劑單張-就醫身分別) |
112. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別 |
Control | 1..? |
114. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis | |
Slice Name | ConditionDiagnosis |
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷 |
Control | 1..? |
116. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
118. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code | |
Control | 1..? |
120. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
122. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
124. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 29548-5 |
126. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Diagnosis Narrative |
128. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-診斷) |
130. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷 |
Control | 1..? |
132. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression |
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要 |
Control | 1..1 |
134. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
136. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code | |
Control | 1..? |
138. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
140. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
142. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 19824-2 |
144. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Return visit conditions |
146. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 3..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective, 門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective, 門診病歷-評估_ Assessment) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
148. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Subjective |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective) |
150. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要_Subjective |
Control | 1..? |
152. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier | |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 1..? |
154. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
156. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.value | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 61150-9 |
158. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Objective |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective) |
160. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_Objective |
Control | 1..? |
162. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier | |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 1..? |
164. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
166. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.value | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 61149-1 |
168. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Assessment |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-評估_ Assessment) |
170. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_ Assessment |
Control | 1..? |
172. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier | |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 1..? |
174. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
176. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.value | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 11494-2 |
178. Composition.section:Procedure | |
Slice Name | Procedure |
Short | 門診病歷中的處置項目 |
Control | 1..? |
180. Composition.section:Procedure.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
182. Composition.section:Procedure.code | |
Control | 1..? |
184. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
186. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
188. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 29554-3 |
190. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Procedure Narrative |
192. Composition.section:Procedure.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處置項目) |
194. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處置項目 |
Control | 1..? |
196. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed | |
Slice Name | MedicationPrescribed |
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest) |
Control | 1..? |
198. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
200. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code | |
Control | 1..? |
202. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
204. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
206. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 29551-9 |
208. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Medication prescribed Narrative |
210. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 2..? |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
212. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest | |
Slice Name | MedicationRequest |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處方內容(MedicationRequest)) |
214. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest) |
Control | 1..? |
216. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication | |
Slice Name | Medication |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-藥物處方內容(Medication)) |
218. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.reference | |
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(Medication) |
Control | 1..? |
220. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree | |
Slice Name | MediaFamilyTree |
Short | 門診病歷中的家族圖譜 |
222. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
224. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code | |
Control | 1..? |
226. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
228. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
230. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 74027-4 |
232. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Family pedigree identifier |
234. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-家族圖譜) |
236. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的家族圖譜 |
Control | 1..? |
238. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage | |
Slice Name | MediaOutpatientImage |
Short | 門診病歷中的門診圖像 |
240. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.title | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? |
242. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code | |
Control | 1..? |
244. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding | |
Control | 1..? |
246. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.system | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
248. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.code | |
Control | 1..? |
Fixed Value | 19005-8 |
250. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.display | |
Fixed Value | Radiology Imaging study [Impression] (narrative) |
252. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry | |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 |
Control | 1..? |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診圖像) |
254. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.reference | |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診圖像 |
Control | 1..? |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. Composition | |
Definition | 一組與健康照護相關的資訊,這些訊息被組合成一個單一的邏輯套件,提供一個單一的連貫的意義陳述,建立自己的上下文,並且提供有關於是誰做出陳述的臨床認證。 A set of healthcare-related information that is assembled together into a single logical package that provides a single coherent statement of meaning, establishes its own context and that has clinical attestation with regard to who is making the statement. A Composition defines the structure and narrative content necessary for a document. However, a Composition alone does not constitute a document. Rather, the Composition must be the first entry in a Bundle where Bundle.type=document, and any other resources referenced from Composition must be included as subsequent entries in the Bundle (for example Patient, Practitioner, Encounter, etc.). |
Short | 將一組resources組成一份連貫的臨床聲明,並附有臨床證明。A set of resources composed into a single coherent clinical statement with clinical attestation |
Comments | 雖然此規範的重點在於特定於病人的臨床聲明,但此resource也可適用於其他與健康照護相關的聲明,如研究方案設計、醫療發票和其他不必然與特定於病人或臨床相關的活動。 While the focus of this specification is on patient-specific clinical statements, this resource can also apply to other healthcare-related statements such as study protocol designs, healthcare invoices and other activities that are not necessarily patient-specific or clinical. |
Control | 0..* |
Is Modifier | false |
Summary | false |
Invariants | dom-2: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources (contained.contained.empty()) dom-3: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource (contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()) dom-4: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated (contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()) dom-5: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label (contained.meta.security.empty()) dom-6: A resource should have narrative for robust management (text.`div`.exists()) |
2. Composition.implicitRules | |
Definition | 構建resource時遵循的一系列規則的參照,在處理內容時必須理解這些規則。通常這是IG定義特殊規則及其他profiles的參照。 A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc. |
Short | 創建此內容所依據的一組規則A set of rules under which this content was created |
Comments | 宣告這套規則限制了內容只能被有限的貿易夥伴所理解。這從本質上限制了資料的長期有用性。然而,現有的健康生態體系高度分裂,還沒有準備好以普遍可計算的方式定義、收集和交換資料。只要有可能,實作者和(或)規範編寫者應該避免使用這個資料項目。通常,在使用時,此URL是對實作指引的參照,此指引將這些特殊規則與其他profiles、value sets等一起定義為其敘述的一部分。 Asserting this rule set restricts the content to be only understood by a limited set of trading partners. This inherently limits the usefulness of the data in the long term. However, the existing health eco-system is highly fractured, and not yet ready to define, collect, and exchange data in a generally computable sense. Wherever possible, implementers and/or specification writers should avoid using this element. Often, when used, the URL is a reference to an implementation guide that defines these special rules as part of it's narrative along with other profiles, value sets, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | true because This element is labeled as a modifier because the implicit rules may provide additional knowledge about the resource that modifies it's meaning or interpretation |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
4. Composition.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the resource that contains them |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互操作性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
6. Composition.identifier | |
Definition | 與版本無關的Composition識別碼。隨著時間的推移,該識別碼將保持不變。 A version-independent identifier for the Composition. This identifier stays constant as the composition is changed over time. |
Short | 不分版本的臨床文件架構(Composition)識別碼。Version-independent identifier for the Composition |
Comments | 類似於 CDA 中的 ClinicalDocument/setId。請參閱resource定義中的討論,了解它們之間的關係。 Similar to ClinicalDocument/setId in CDA. See discussion in resource definition for how these relate. |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Identifier |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
8. Composition.status | |
Definition | 此composition的工作流程/臨床狀態。狀態是指文件的臨床狀態的標識。 The workflow/clinical status of this composition. The status is a marker for the clinical standing of the document. |
Short | registered | partial | preliminary | final | amended | corrected +preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error |
Comments | 如果一個composition被標記為撤回(withdraw),那麼該系列中的composition/文件或者此composition或文件系列中的資料,若未被明確標記為(該撤回)不可信的情況下,則不應向用戶展示。「錯誤輸入 (entered-in-error)標籤是此composition為何被標記為修飾用資料項目(modifier)的原因。 某些報告工作流程要求最終文件的原始敘述永不更改;意即只能添加新的敘述。composition resource 沒有明確的狀態(status)來明確註明是否適用此業務規則。如有需要,這將透過擴充來處理。 If a composition is marked as withdrawn, the compositions/documents in the series, or data from the composition or document series, should never be displayed to a user without being clearly marked as untrustworthy. The flag "entered-in-error" is why this element is labeled as a modifier of other elements. Some reporting work flows require that the original narrative of a final document never be altered; instead, only new narrative can be added. The composition resource has no explicit status for explicitly noting whether this business rule is in effect. This would be handled by an extension if required. |
Control | 1..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CompositionStatushttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-status|4.0.1 (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-status|4.0.1 )診斷報告狀態;應填入Composition的代碼表中的其中一個代碼 The workflow/clinical status of the composition. |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true because This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能夠標記為臨時(interim)、修改(amended)或撤回(withdrawn)的composition或文件。 Need to be able to mark interim, amended, or withdrawn compositions or documents. |
Fixed Value | final |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
10. Composition.type | |
Definition | 指定特定類型的composition(如病史和體檢、出院摘要、病程紀錄)。這通常等同於製作composition的目的。 Specifies the particular kind of composition (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the composition. |
Short | Composition的種類(如果可能請使用LOINC)Kind of composition (LOINC if possible) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. For Composition type, LOINC is ubiquitous and strongly endorsed by HL7. Most implementation guides will require a specific LOINC code, or use LOINC as an extensible binding. |
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from The codes SHOULD be taken from FHIRDocumentTypeCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-typecodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-typecodes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Type of a composition. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 描述composition的關鍵metadata資料項目,用於查詢/篩選。 Key metadata element describing the composition, used in searching/filtering. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
12. Composition.type.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..1* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Pattern Value | { |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
14. Composition.type.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
16. Composition.subject | |
Definition | composition是關於誰或什麼的。composition可以是關於一個人(病人或醫護人員)、一個設備(如機器),甚至是一群對象(如關於一群牲畜的文件,或一群有共同曝露的病人)。 Who or what the composition is about. The composition can be about a person, (patient or healthcare practitioner), a device (e.g. a machine) or even a group of subjects (such as a document about a herd of livestock, or a set of patients that share a common exposure). |
Short | 報告文件有關的對象及(或)事物。Who and/or what the composition is about |
Comments | 對於臨床文件來說,這通常是指病人。 For clinical documents, this is usually the patient. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-病人基本資料, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 查詢composition的基本metadata,指明compoisition/文件的作者和/或內容。 Essential metadata for searching for the composition. Identifies who and/or what the composition/document is about. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
18. Composition.subject.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
20. Composition.encounter | |
Definition | 描述與該文件相關的臨床就醫事件或照護類型。 Describes the clinical encounter or type of care this documentation is associated with. |
Short | 報告文件來自於哪次住院基本資料。Context of the Composition |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診日期、科別, Encounter) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 為composition提供情境並支持查詢。 Provides context for the composition and supports searching. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
22. Composition.encounter.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診日期、科別Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
24. Composition.date | |
Definition | composition編輯時間,即作者最後一次邏輯上更改composition的時間。 The composition editing time, when the composition was last logically changed by the author. |
Short | 報告產生日期Composition editing time |
Comments | composition上的最後修改日期可能在文件被證明日期之後而未更改。這意味著修改過的文件上的日期是修改日期,而非原始撰寫之日期。 The Last Modified Date on the composition may be after the date of the document was attested without being changed. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | dateTime 用於追蹤、組織版本和查詢。請注意:這是創作此版本Composition的時間。打包成文檔時,Bundle.timestamp 是打包日期。 dateTime is used for tracking, organizing versions and searching. Note that this is the time of authoring. When packaged in a document, Bundle.timestamp is the date of packaging. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
26. Composition.author | |
Definition | 指明誰對composition中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 Identifies who is responsible for the information in the composition, not necessarily who typed it in. |
Short | 報告文件有關的創作部分。關聯至門診病歷中的醫事機構或醫師姓名Who and/or what authored the composition |
Control | 1..* |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-醫事機構, 門診病歷-醫師姓名, Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Device, Patient, RelatedPerson, Organization) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Must Support Types | No must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 Identifies who is responsible for the content. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
28. Composition.title | |
Definition | composition的正式可讀標籤 Official human-readable label for the composition. |
Short | 報告文件的名字或標題Human Readable name/title |
Comments | 對於許多composition來說,標題與文本或 Composition.type 的顯示名稱相同(如 「會診﹙consultation﹚」或 「病程紀錄﹙progress note﹚」)。請注意:CDA 並不強制要求標題,但目前還沒有發現省略標題有用的情況,因此在此強制要求標題。歡迎在試用區間對這一要求提出反饋意見。 For many compositions, the title is the same as the text or a display name of Composition.type (e.g. a "consultation" or "progress note"). Note that CDA does not make title mandatory, but there are no known cases where it is useful for title to be omitted, so it is mandatory here. Feedback on this requirement is welcome during the trial use period. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Fixed Value | 門診病歷 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
30. Composition.attester | |
Definition | 證明composition/文件準確無誤的參與者 A participant who has attested to the accuracy of the composition/document. |
Short | 證明Composition的準確性Attests to accuracy of composition |
Comments | 每位參與者只需每位證明者只列一次 Only list each attester once. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 指明對composition內容準確性的責任 Identifies responsibility for the accuracy of the composition content. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
32. Composition.attester.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
34. Composition.attester.mode | |
Definition | 認證者提供的認證類型 The type of attestation the authenticator offers. |
Short | personal | professional | legal | official |
Control | 1..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CompositionAttestationModehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-attestation-mode|4.0.1 (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-attestation-mode|4.0.1 )認證者提供的認證類型;應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 The way in which a person authenticated a composition. |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 指明認證的權威程度 Indicates the level of authority of the attestation. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
36. Composition.custodian | |
Definition | 指明負責持續維護和存取composition/文件資訊的機構或團體 Identifies the organization or group who is responsible for ongoing maintenance of and access to the composition/document information. |
Short | 維護Composition的機構Organization which maintains the composition |
Comments | 當此文件是衍生自composition時非常有用。它提供了如何獲取文件的最新版本的指導。這是可選項,因為有時編寫系統並不知道可以根據情境推斷。不過,在處理派生文件時,了解這一資訊非常重要,因此鼓勵提供一個保管者。 This is useful when documents are derived from a composition - provides guidance for how to get the latest version of the document. This is optional because this is sometimes not known by the authoring system, and can be inferred by context. However, it is important that this information be known when working with a derived document, so providing a custodian is encouraged. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(TW Core Organization, Organization) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 指明在哪裡可以找到當前版本、在哪裡可以報告問題等 Identifies where to go to find the current version, where to report issues, etc. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
38. Composition.section | |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 報告文件與哪些資料有關Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 80..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
40. Composition.section.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
42. Composition.section.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
44. Composition.section.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
46. Composition.section.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
48. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults | |
Slice Name | ObservationLabResults |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
50. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
52. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
54. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
56. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
58. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
60. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 19146-0 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
62. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Referral lab test results |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
64. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
66. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
68. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-實驗室檢查紀錄, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
70. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
72. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness | |
Slice Name | ConditionMajorIllness |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
74. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
76. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
78. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
80. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
82. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
84. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 11338-1 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
86. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | History of Major illnesses and injuries Narrative |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
88. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
90. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
92. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-重大傷病, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
94. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
96. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance | |
Slice Name | AllergyIntolerance |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
98. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
100. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
102. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
104. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
106. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
108. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 10155-0 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
110. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | History of allergies, reported |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
112. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
114. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
116. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-過敏史, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
118. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
120. Composition.section:ObservationProfession | |
Slice Name | ObservationProfession |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 0..1* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
122. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
124. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
126. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
128. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
130. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
132. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 21847-9 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
134. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Usual occupation Narrative |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
136. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
138. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
140. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-職業, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
142. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
144. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier | |
Slice Name | CoverageIdentifier |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..1* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
146. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
148. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | false |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
150. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
152. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
154. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
156. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 63513-6 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
158. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Are you covered by health insurance or some other kind of health care plan [PhenX] |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
160. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
162. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
164. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(電子處方箋/調劑單張-就醫身分別, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
166. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
168. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis | |
Slice Name | ConditionDiagnosis |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
170. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
172. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
174. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
176. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
178. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
180. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 29548-5 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
182. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Diagnosis Narrative |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
184. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
186. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
188. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-診斷, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
190. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
192. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..1* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
194. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
196. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
198. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
200. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
202. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
204. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 19824-2 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
206. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Return visit conditions |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
208. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
210. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
212. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 30..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective, 門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective, 門診病歷-評估_ Assessment, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Must Support Types | No must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
214. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Subjective |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
216. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要_SubjectiveLiteral reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
218. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier | |
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. |
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known |
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | Identifier |
Is Modifier | false |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
220. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.use | |
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. |
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) |
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
222. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.system | |
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. |
Short | The namespace for the identifier value |
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
224. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.value | |
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. |
Short | The value that is unique |
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Fixed Value | 61150-9 |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
226. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Objective |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
228. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_ObjectiveLiteral reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
230. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier | |
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. |
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known |
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | Identifier |
Is Modifier | false |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
232. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.use | |
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. |
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) |
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
234. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.system | |
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. |
Short | The namespace for the identifier value |
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
236. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.value | |
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. |
Short | The value that is unique |
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Fixed Value | 61149-1 |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
238. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment | |
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Assessment |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-評估_ Assessment, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
240. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_ AssessmentLiteral reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
242. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier | |
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. |
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known |
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). |
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | Identifier |
Is Modifier | false |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
244. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.use | |
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. |
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) |
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
246. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.system | |
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. |
Short | The namespace for the identifier value |
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
248. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.value | |
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. |
Short | The value that is unique |
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Fixed Value | 11494-2 |
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
250. Composition.section:Procedure | |
Slice Name | Procedure |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的處置項目Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
252. Composition.section:Procedure.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
254. Composition.section:Procedure.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
256. Composition.section:Procedure.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
258. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
260. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
262. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 29554-3 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
264. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Procedure Narrative |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
266. Composition.section:Procedure.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
268. Composition.section:Procedure.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
270. Composition.section:Procedure.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處置項目, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
272. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處置項目Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
274. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed | |
Slice Name | MedicationPrescribed |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest)Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 10..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
276. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
278. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
280. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
282. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
284. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
286. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 29551-9 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
288. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Medication prescribed Narrative |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
290. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
292. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
294. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 20..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: |
296. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest | |
Slice Name | MedicationRequest |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處方內容(MedicationRequest), Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
298. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest)Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
300. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication | |
Slice Name | Medication |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-藥物處方內容(Medication), Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
302. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(Medication)Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
304. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree | |
Slice Name | MediaFamilyTree |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的家族圖譜Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 0..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
306. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
308. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
310. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
312. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
314. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
316. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 74027-4 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
318. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Family pedigree identifier |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
320. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
322. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
324. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-家族圖譜, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
326. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的家族圖譜Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
328. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage | |
Slice Name | MediaOutpatientImage |
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 The root of the sections that make up the composition. |
Short | 門診病歷中的門診圖像Composition is broken into sections |
Control | 0..* |
Type | BackboneElement |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists()) cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty (emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty()) |
330. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.modifierExtension | |
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
332. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.title | |
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 The label for this particular section. This will be part of the rendered content for the document, and is often used to build a table of contents. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何?Label for section (e.g. for ToC) |
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 The title identifies the section for a human reader. The title must be consistent with the narrative of the resource that is the target of the section.content reference. Generally, sections SHOULD have titles, but in some documents, it is unnecessary or inappropriate. Typically, this is where a section has subsections that have their own adequately distinguishing title, or documents that only have a single section. Most Implementation Guides will make section title to be a required element. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | false |
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 Section headings are often standardized for different types of documents. They give guidance to humans on how the document is organized. |
Alternate Names | header, label, caption |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
334. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code | |
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 A code identifying the kind of content contained within the section. This must be consistent with the section title. |
Short | 小節分類(建議)Classification of section (recommended) |
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. The code identifies the section for an automated processor of the document. This is particularly relevant when using profiles to control the structure of the document. If the section has content (instead of sub-sections), the section.code does not change the meaning or interpretation of the resource that is the content of the section in the comments for the section.code. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from For example codes, see DocumentSectionCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 Classification of a section of a composition/document. |
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 Provides computable standardized labels to topics within the document. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
336. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding | |
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 A reference to a code defined by a terminology system. |
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼Code defined by a terminology system |
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 |
Type | Coding(TW Coding) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
338. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.system | |
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code. |
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別Identity of the terminology system |
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously. |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | uri |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol. |
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
340. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.code | |
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination). |
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號Symbol in syntax defined by the system |
Control | 10..1 |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 Need to refer to a particular code in the system. |
Fixed Value | 19005-8 |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
342. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.display | |
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system. |
Short | 由系統定義的表示法Representation defined by the system |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system. |
Fixed Value | Radiology Imaging study [Impression] (narrative) |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
344. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.text | |
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
Short | 概念的文字表示法Plain text representation of the concept |
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Must Support | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source. |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
346. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.text | |
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 A human-readable narrative that contains the attested content of the section, used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. |
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。Text summary of the section, for human interpretation |
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 Document profiles may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. |
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 |
Type | Narrative |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
348. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry | |
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 A reference to the actual resource from which the narrative in the section is derived. |
Short | 此筆關聯的資料A reference to data that supports this section |
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 If there are no entries in the list, an emptyReason SHOULD be provided. |
Control | 10..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 |
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診圖像, Resource) |
Is Modifier | false |
Must Support | true |
Summary | false |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
350. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.reference | |
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. |
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診圖像Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL |
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. |
Control | 10..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 |
Type | string |
Is Modifier | false |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
Summary | true |
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. Composition | |||||
Definition | 一組與健康照護相關的資訊,這些訊息被組合成一個單一的邏輯套件,提供一個單一的連貫的意義陳述,建立自己的上下文,並且提供有關於是誰做出陳述的臨床認證。 | ||||
Short | 將一組resources組成一份連貫的臨床聲明,並附有臨床證明。 | ||||
Comments | 雖然此規範的重點在於特定於病人的臨床聲明,但此resource也可適用於其他與健康照護相關的聲明,如研究方案設計、醫療發票和其他不必然與特定於病人或臨床相關的活動。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | dom-2: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources (contained.contained.empty() )dom-3: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource ( contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty() )dom-4: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated ( contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty() )dom-5: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label ( contained.meta.security.empty() )dom-6: A resource should have narrative for robust management ( text.`div`.exists() ) | ||||
2. Composition.id | |||||
Definition | resource的邏輯ID,在resource的URL中使用。一旦指定,這個值永遠不會改變。 | ||||
Short | 不重複的ID用以識別儲存在特定FHIR Server中的Composition紀錄,通常又稱為邏輯性ID。 | ||||
Comments | 一個resource使用新增操作(create operation)提交給伺服器時是此resource唯一沒有id的時刻 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | id | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
4. Composition.meta | |||||
Definition | 關於resource的metadata。這是由基礎建設維護的內容。對內容的改變可能並不總是與resource的版本改變相關。 | ||||
Short | 此Composition Resource的metadata | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Meta | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
6. Composition.implicitRules | |||||
Definition | 構建resource時遵循的一系列規則的參照,在處理內容時必須理解這些規則。通常這是IG定義特殊規則及其他profiles的參照。 | ||||
Short | 創建此內容所依據的一組規則 | ||||
Comments | 宣告這套規則限制了內容只能被有限的貿易夥伴所理解。這從本質上限制了資料的長期有用性。然而,現有的健康生態體系高度分裂,還沒有準備好以普遍可計算的方式定義、收集和交換資料。只要有可能,實作者和(或)規範編寫者應該避免使用這個資料項目。通常,在使用時,此URL是對實作指引的參照,此指引將這些特殊規則與其他profiles、value sets等一起定義為其敘述的一部分。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | true because This element is labeled as a modifier because the implicit rules may provide additional knowledge about the resource that modifies it's meaning or interpretation | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
8. Composition.language | |||||
Definition | 編寫此resource的基礎語言 | ||||
Short | 用以表述Composition Resource內容的語言 | ||||
Comments | 提供語言是為了支援索引和可存取性(通常,文字表述轉語音等服務使用此語言標籤)。html lanuage tag適用於此敘述。resource上的語言標籤可用於指定從resource中的資料所產成的其他表述之語言。不是所有的內容都必須使用此基礎語言。不應該假定Resource.language自動適用於敘述。如果指定語言,它也應該被指定在html中的div元素(關於xml:lang和html lang屬性之間的關係,見HTML5中的規則)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from CommonLanguages (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/languages )人類語言;鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。
| ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Example | <br/><b>Value</b>:zh-TW | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
10. Composition.text | |||||
Definition | 人可讀的敘述,包含resource的摘要,可用於向人表述resource的內容。敘述不需要對所有的結構化資料進行編碼,但需要包含足夠的細節使人在閱讀敘述時理解「臨床安全性」。resource定義可定義哪些內容應該在敘述中表示,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Short | Composition Resource之內容摘要以供人閱讀 | ||||
Comments | 內嵌(contained)的resource沒有敘述,非內嵌(contained)的resource則 建議應該(SHOULD) 有敘述。在某些情況下,resource可能只有文字表述,很少或沒有額外的離散資料(只要滿足所有minOccurs=1的資料項目)。這對於來自舊有系統的資料可能是必要的,在這些系統中,從 「文字表述區塊(text blob) 」獲取訊息,或者文字表述是額外的原始輸入或敘述,而編碼訊息是後來添加的。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | narrative, html, xhtml, display | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
12. Composition.contained | |||||
Definition | 這些resource內嵌(contains)的resource不會另外存於任何FHIR伺服器,意即它們無法在任何FHIR伺服器中被找到,也無法有自己獨立的資料異動/交易(transaction)範圍。 | ||||
Short | 內嵌的(contained)、行內的Resources | ||||
Comments | 內嵌(contained)的resource沒有敘述,非內嵌(contained)的resource則 建議應該(SHOULD) 有敘述。在某些情況下,resource可能只有文字表述,很少或沒有額外的離散資料(只要滿足所有minOccurs=1的資料項目)。這對於來自舊有系統的資料可能是必要的,在這些系統中,從 「文字表述區塊(text blob) 」獲取訊息,或者文字表述是額外的原始輸入或敘述,而編碼訊息是後來添加的。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Resource | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | inline resources, anonymous resources, contained resources | ||||
14. Composition.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
16. Composition.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the resource that contains them | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互操作性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
18. Composition.identifier | |||||
Definition | 與版本無關的Composition識別碼。隨著時間的推移,該識別碼將保持不變。 | ||||
Short | 不分版本的臨床文件架構(Composition)識別碼。 | ||||
Comments | 類似於 CDA 中的 ClinicalDocument/setId。請參閱resource定義中的討論,了解它們之間的關係。 | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
20. Composition.status | |||||
Definition | 此composition的工作流程/臨床狀態。狀態是指文件的臨床狀態的標識。 | ||||
Short | registered | partial | preliminary | final | amended | corrected + | ||||
Comments | 如果一個composition被標記為撤回(withdraw),那麼該系列中的composition/文件或者此composition或文件系列中的資料,若未被明確標記為(該撤回)不可信的情況下,則不應向用戶展示。「錯誤輸入 (entered-in-error)標籤是此composition為何被標記為修飾用資料項目(modifier)的原因。 某些報告工作流程要求最終文件的原始敘述永不更改;意即只能添加新的敘述。composition resource 沒有明確的狀態(status)來明確註明是否適用此業務規則。如有需要,這將透過擴充來處理。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CompositionStatus (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-status|4.0.1 )診斷報告狀態;應填入Composition的代碼表中的其中一個代碼 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | true because This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能夠標記為臨時(interim)、修改(amended)或撤回(withdrawn)的composition或文件。 | ||||
Fixed Value | final | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
22. Composition.type | |||||
Definition | 指定特定類型的composition(如病史和體檢、出院摘要、病程紀錄)。這通常等同於製作composition的目的。 | ||||
Short | Composition的種類(如果可能請使用LOINC) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from FHIRDocumentTypeCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-typecodes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 描述composition的關鍵metadata資料項目,用於查詢/篩選。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
24. Composition.type.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
26. Composition.type.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.type.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
28. Composition.type.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Pattern Value | { | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
30. Composition.type.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
32. Composition.category | |||||
Definition | composition類型的分類 - 有助於索引和查詢。這可能是由 Composition Type 中指定的代碼隱含或衍生出來的。 | ||||
Short | Composition的分類 | ||||
Comments | "這是來自XDS/MHD的metadata欄位"。 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentClassValueSet (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/document-classcodes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 幫助人類在檢視composition或規範文件時評估composition是否感興趣。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
34. Composition.subject | |||||
Definition | composition是關於誰或什麼的。composition可以是關於一個人(病人或醫護人員)、一個設備(如機器),甚至是一群對象(如關於一群牲畜的文件,或一群有共同曝露的病人)。 | ||||
Short | 報告文件有關的對象及(或)事物。 | ||||
Comments | 對於臨床文件來說,這通常是指病人。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-病人基本資料) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 查詢composition的基本metadata,指明compoisition/文件的作者和/或內容。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
36. Composition.subject.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
38. Composition.subject.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.subject.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
40. Composition.subject.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
42. Composition.subject.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
44. Composition.subject.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
46. Composition.subject.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
48. Composition.encounter | |||||
Definition | 描述與該文件相關的臨床就醫事件或照護類型。 | ||||
Short | 報告文件來自於哪次住院基本資料。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診日期、科別) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 為composition提供情境並支持查詢。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
50. Composition.encounter.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
52. Composition.encounter.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.encounter.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
54. Composition.encounter.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診日期、科別 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
56. Composition.encounter.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
58. Composition.encounter.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
60. Composition.encounter.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
62. Composition.date | |||||
Definition | composition編輯時間,即作者最後一次邏輯上更改composition的時間。 | ||||
Short | 報告產生日期 | ||||
Comments | composition上的最後修改日期可能在文件被證明日期之後而未更改。這意味著修改過的文件上的日期是修改日期,而非原始撰寫之日期。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | dateTime | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | dateTime 用於追蹤、組織版本和查詢。請注意:這是創作此版本Composition的時間。打包成文檔時,Bundle.timestamp 是打包日期。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
64. Composition.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對composition中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 報告文件有關的創作部分。關聯至門診病歷中的醫事機構或醫師姓名 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-醫事機構, 門診病歷-醫師姓名) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Must Support Types | No must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
66. Composition.title | |||||
Definition | composition的正式可讀標籤 | ||||
Short | 報告文件的名字或標題 | ||||
Comments | 對於許多composition來說,標題與文本或 Composition.type 的顯示名稱相同(如 「會診﹙consultation﹚」或 「病程紀錄﹙progress note﹚」)。請注意:CDA 並不強制要求標題,但目前還沒有發現省略標題有用的情況,因此在此強制要求標題。歡迎在試用區間對這一要求提出反饋意見。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Fixed Value | 門診病歷 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
68. Composition.confidentiality | |||||
Definition | 具體說明Composition保密等級的代碼 | ||||
Short | 根據特定技術領域的定義 | ||||
Comments | 此資料項目的確切使用,以及與高度敏感文件相關的執行和問題超出了基本規範的範圍,並委託給實作Profiles(見安全小節)。 此資料項目被標記為修飾用,因為高度機密的文件不能被當作非機密文件處理。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from v3.ConfidentialityClassification (2014-03-26) (required to http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-ConfidentialityClassification|2014-03-26 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
70. Composition.attester | |||||
Definition | 證明composition/文件準確無誤的參與者 | ||||
Short | 證明Composition的準確性 | ||||
Comments | 每位參與者只需每位證明者只列一次 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明對composition內容準確性的責任 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
72. Composition.attester.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
74. Composition.attester.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
76. Composition.attester.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
78. Composition.attester.mode | |||||
Definition | 認證者提供的認證類型 | ||||
Short | personal | professional | legal | official | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CompositionAttestationMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/composition-attestation-mode|4.0.1 )認證者提供的認證類型;應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明認證的權威程度 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
80. Composition.attester.time | |||||
Definition | 當composition被該方證實的時間 | ||||
Short | 此Composition被證明的時間 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | dateTime | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明composition中的資訊何時被認為是準確的。(自那時起可能發生了變化)。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
82. Composition.attester.party | |||||
Definition | 誰以指定的方式證明了此composition | ||||
Short | 誰證明了此Composition | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Patient, RelatedPerson, TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明由誰承擔composition內容準確性的責任 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
84. Composition.custodian | |||||
Definition | 指明負責持續維護和存取composition/文件資訊的機構或團體 | ||||
Short | 維護Composition的機構 | ||||
Comments | 當此文件是衍生自composition時非常有用。它提供了如何獲取文件的最新版本的指導。這是可選項,因為有時編寫系統並不知道可以根據情境推斷。不過,在處理派生文件時,了解這一資訊非常重要,因此鼓勵提供一個保管者。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Organization) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 指明在哪裡可以找到當前版本、在哪裡可以報告問題等 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
86. Composition.relatesTo | |||||
Definition | 此composition與其他已有的composition或文件之間的關係 | ||||
Short | 與其他Composition/文件之間的關係 | ||||
Comments | 要參照(使用 relatesTo)「document」type的 Bundle 或其他只有識別碼的 Composition,請使用帶有識別碼的 resourceReference。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
88. Composition.relatesTo.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
90. Composition.relatesTo.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
92. Composition.relatesTo.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
94. Composition.relatesTo.code | |||||
Definition | 此composition與另一個compoisition或文件的關系類型 | ||||
Short | replaces | transforms | signs | appends | ||||
Comments | 如果此文件附加了另一個文件,那麼如果不存取參照的文件,就無法完全理解此文件。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from DocumentRelationshipType (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/document-relationship-type|4.0.1 )檔案之間的關係型別;應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
96. Composition.relatesTo.target[x] | |||||
Definition | 此關係的目標composition/文件 | ||||
Short | 此關係的目標文件 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | Choice of: Identifier, Reference(Composition) | ||||
[x] Note | SeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x] | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
98. Composition.event | |||||
Definition | 記錄的臨床服務,例如:結腸鏡檢查或闌尾切除術。 | ||||
Short | 正在記錄的臨床服務 | ||||
Comments | 事件需要與類型資料項目保持一致,但如果需求,也可以提供更多的詳細資訊。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 為composition提供情境背景,並在描述事件的resource和為描述事件而創建的composition之間建立連結。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
100. Composition.event.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
102. Composition.event.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
104. Composition.event.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
106. Composition.event.code | |||||
Definition | 一個概念可能透過正式參照專門術語或本體論來定義,或者可以由文字提供。 | ||||
Short | 此代碼表代表了正在被記錄的主要臨床行為 | ||||
Comments | 一個事件可以進一步專門化 typeCode 中固有的行為,例如:當它僅僅是「處置報告」,而該處置是「結腸鏡檢查」。如果包含一個或多個事件,它們 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 與 classCode、practiceSettingCode 或 typeCode 中固有的值相衝突,因為這樣的衝突會造成模糊不清的情況。這個簡短的代碼清單提供用作某些類型查詢的關鍵字。 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | For example codes, see v3 Code System ActCode (example to http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-ActCode )可參考所綁定值集,但此值集只是針對這個欄位的一個可能值的範例,不預期也不鼓勵使用者一定要使用此值集的代碼。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
108. Composition.event.period | |||||
Definition | 此文件涵蓋的時間區間,這並不是聲明此文件是這一個時間區間的完整代表,而只是表明它記錄了這段時間內發生的事件。 | ||||
Short | 文件所涵蓋的時間區間 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Period | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
110. Composition.event.detail | |||||
Definition | 它描述了正在被記錄的主要臨床活動,比如說進行一次結腸鏡檢查或是闌尾切除手術。在某些情況下,這些臨床事件本身就包含在其typeCode中,例如:在「病史與體檢報告」中,所記錄的過程就必然是進行「病史與體檢」的行為。這些臨床事件可以以代碼的形式被記錄,或者作為對其他resource的參照。 | ||||
Short | 在描述被記錄下來的事件,這些事件可以是以代碼的形式、參考資料的形式,或者兩者都有的形式來呈現。 | ||||
Comments | 事件可以進一步細化類型編碼中的固有行為,例如,事件只是程序報告,而程序是結腸鏡檢查。如果包含一個或多個事件,它們不得與類別編碼、診療設置編碼或類型代碼中固有的值相衝 突,因為這樣的衝突會造成模稜兩可的情況。本編碼簡表可用作某些類型查詢的關鍵詞。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
112. Composition.section | |||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 報告文件與哪些資料有關 | ||||
Control | 8..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
114. Composition.section.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
116. Composition.section.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
118. Composition.section.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
120. Composition.section.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 小節標籤(例如:目錄ToC) | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
122. Composition.section.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
124. Composition.section.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
126. Composition.section.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
128. Composition.section.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
130. Composition.section.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
132. Composition.section.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
134. Composition.section.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
136. Composition.section.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
138. Composition.section.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
140. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults | |||||
Slice Name | ObservationLabResults | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
142. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
144. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
146. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
148. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
150. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
152. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
154. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
156. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
158. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
160. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
162. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
164. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
166. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 19146-0 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
168. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Referral lab test results | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
170. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
172. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
174. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
176. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
178. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
180. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
182. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
184. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-實驗室檢查紀錄) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
186. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
188. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
190. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_實驗室檢查紀錄 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
192. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
194. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
196. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
198. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
200. Composition.section:ObservationLabResults.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
202. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness | |||||
Slice Name | ConditionMajorIllness | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
204. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
206. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
208. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
210. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
212. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
214. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
216. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
218. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
220. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
222. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
224. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
226. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
228. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 11338-1 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
230. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | History of Major illnesses and injuries Narrative | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
232. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
234. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
236. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
238. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
240. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
242. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
244. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
246. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-重大傷病) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
248. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
250. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
252. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_重大傷病 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
254. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
256. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
258. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
260. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
262. Composition.section:ConditionMajorIllness.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
264. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance | |||||
Slice Name | AllergyIntolerance | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
266. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
268. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
270. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
272. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
274. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
276. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
278. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
280. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
282. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
284. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
286. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
288. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
290. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 10155-0 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
292. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | History of allergies, reported | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
294. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
296. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
298. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
300. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
302. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
304. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
306. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
308. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-過敏史) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
310. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
312. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
314. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_過敏史 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
316. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
318. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
320. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
322. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
324. Composition.section:AllergyIntolerance.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
326. Composition.section:ObservationProfession | |||||
Slice Name | ObservationProfession | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
328. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
330. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
332. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
334. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
336. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
338. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
340. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
342. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
344. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
346. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
348. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
350. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
352. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 21847-9 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
354. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Usual occupation Narrative | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
356. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
358. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
360. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
362. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
364. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
366. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
368. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
370. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-職業) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
372. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
374. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
376. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_職業 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
378. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
380. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
382. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
384. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
386. Composition.section:ObservationProfession.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
388. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier | |||||
Slice Name | CoverageIdentifier | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
390. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
392. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
394. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
396. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
398. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
400. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
402. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
404. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
406. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
408. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
410. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
412. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
414. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 63513-6 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
416. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Are you covered by health insurance or some other kind of health care plan [PhenX] | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
418. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
420. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
422. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
424. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
426. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
428. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
430. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
432. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(電子處方箋/調劑單張-就醫身分別) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
434. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
436. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
438. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_就醫身分別 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
440. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
442. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
444. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
446. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
448. Composition.section:CoverageIdentifier.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
450. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis | |||||
Slice Name | ConditionDiagnosis | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
452. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
454. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
456. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
458. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
460. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
462. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
464. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
466. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
468. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
470. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
472. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
474. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
476. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 29548-5 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
478. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Diagnosis Narrative | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
480. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
482. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
484. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
486. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
488. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
490. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
492. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
494. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-診斷) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
496. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
498. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
500. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
502. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
504. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
506. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
508. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
510. Composition.section:ConditionDiagnosis.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
512. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression | |||||
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
514. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
516. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
518. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
520. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
522. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
524. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
526. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
528. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
530. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
532. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
534. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
536. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
538. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 19824-2 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
540. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Return visit conditions | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
542. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
544. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
546. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
548. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
550. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
552. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
554. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
556. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 3..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective, 門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective, 門診病歷-評估_ Assessment) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Must Support Types | No must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
558. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective | |||||
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Subjective | ||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-主觀描述_Subjective) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
560. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
562. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
564. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的診斷病情摘要_Subjective | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
566. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
568. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
570. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
572. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.identifier.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
574. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.use | |||||
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. | ||||
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) | ||||
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUse (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
576. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.type | |||||
Definition | A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Short | Description of identifier | ||||
Comments | This element deals only with general categories of identifiers. It SHOULD not be used for codes that correspond 1..1 with the Identifier.system. Some identifiers may fall into multiple categories due to common usage. Where the system is known, a type is unnecessary because the type is always part of the system definition. However systems often need to handle identifiers where the system is not known. There is not a 1:1 relationship between type and system, since many different systems have the same type. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Identifier Type Codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-type )A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows users to make use of identifiers when the identifier system is not known. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
578. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.system | |||||
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. | ||||
Short | The namespace for the identifier value | ||||
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
580. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.value | |||||
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. | ||||
Short | The value that is unique | ||||
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Fixed Value | 61150-9 | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
582. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.period | |||||
Definition | Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use. | ||||
Short | Time period when id is/was valid for use | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Period | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
584. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.identifier.assigner | |||||
Definition | Organization that issued/manages the identifier. | ||||
Short | Organization that issued id (may be just text) | ||||
Comments | The Identifier.assigner may omit the .reference element and only contain a .display element reflecting the name or other textual information about the assigning organization. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Organization) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
586. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Subjective.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
588. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective | |||||
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Objective | ||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-客觀描述_ Objective) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
590. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
592. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
594. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_Objective | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
596. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
598. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
600. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
602. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.identifier.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
604. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.use | |||||
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. | ||||
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) | ||||
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUse (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
606. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.type | |||||
Definition | A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Short | Description of identifier | ||||
Comments | This element deals only with general categories of identifiers. It SHOULD not be used for codes that correspond 1..1 with the Identifier.system. Some identifiers may fall into multiple categories due to common usage. Where the system is known, a type is unnecessary because the type is always part of the system definition. However systems often need to handle identifiers where the system is not known. There is not a 1:1 relationship between type and system, since many different systems have the same type. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Identifier Type Codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-type )A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows users to make use of identifiers when the identifier system is not known. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
608. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.system | |||||
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. | ||||
Short | The namespace for the identifier value | ||||
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
610. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.value | |||||
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. | ||||
Short | The value that is unique | ||||
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Fixed Value | 61149-1 | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
612. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.period | |||||
Definition | Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use. | ||||
Short | Time period when id is/was valid for use | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Period | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
614. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.identifier.assigner | |||||
Definition | Organization that issued/manages the identifier. | ||||
Short | Organization that issued id (may be just text) | ||||
Comments | The Identifier.assigner may omit the .reference element and only contain a .display element reflecting the name or other textual information about the assigning organization. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Organization) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
616. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Objective.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
618. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment | |||||
Slice Name | ClinicalImpression_Assessment | ||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-評估_ Assessment) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
620. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
622. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
624. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的病人基本資料_ Assessment | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
626. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
628. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
630. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
632. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.identifier.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
634. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.use | |||||
Definition | The purpose of this identifier. | ||||
Short | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) | ||||
Comments | Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from IdentifierUse (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 )Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | true because This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one. | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
636. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.type | |||||
Definition | A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Short | Description of identifier | ||||
Comments | This element deals only with general categories of identifiers. It SHOULD not be used for codes that correspond 1..1 with the Identifier.system. Some identifiers may fall into multiple categories due to common usage. Where the system is known, a type is unnecessary because the type is always part of the system definition. However systems often need to handle identifiers where the system is not known. There is not a 1:1 relationship between type and system, since many different systems have the same type. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Identifier Type Codes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-type )A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | Allows users to make use of identifiers when the identifier system is not known. | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
638. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.system | |||||
Definition | Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique. | ||||
Short | The namespace for the identifier value | ||||
Comments | Identifier.system is always case sensitive. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers. | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:http://www.acme.com/identifiers/patient | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
640. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.value | |||||
Definition | The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system. | ||||
Short | The value that is unique | ||||
Comments | If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the Rendered Value extension. Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe. | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Fixed Value | 11494-2 | ||||
Example | <br/><b>General</b>:123456 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
642. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.period | |||||
Definition | Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use. | ||||
Short | Time period when id is/was valid for use | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Period | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
644. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.identifier.assigner | |||||
Definition | Organization that issued/manages the identifier. | ||||
Short | Organization that issued id (may be just text) | ||||
Comments | The Identifier.assigner may omit the .reference element and only contain a .display element reflecting the name or other textual information about the assigning organization. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Organization) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
646. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.entry:ClinicalImpression_Assessment.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
648. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
650. Composition.section:ClinicalImpression.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
652. Composition.section:Procedure | |||||
Slice Name | Procedure | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的處置項目 | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
654. Composition.section:Procedure.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
656. Composition.section:Procedure.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
658. Composition.section:Procedure.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
660. Composition.section:Procedure.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
662. Composition.section:Procedure.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
664. Composition.section:Procedure.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
666. Composition.section:Procedure.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
668. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
670. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
672. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
674. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
676. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
678. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 29554-3 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
680. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Procedure Narrative | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
682. Composition.section:Procedure.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
684. Composition.section:Procedure.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
686. Composition.section:Procedure.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
688. Composition.section:Procedure.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
690. Composition.section:Procedure.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
692. Composition.section:Procedure.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
694. Composition.section:Procedure.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
696. Composition.section:Procedure.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處置項目) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
698. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
700. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
702. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處置項目 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
704. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
706. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
708. Composition.section:Procedure.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
710. Composition.section:Procedure.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
712. Composition.section:Procedure.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
714. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed | |||||
Slice Name | MedicationPrescribed | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest) | ||||
Control | 1..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
716. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
718. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
720. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
722. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
724. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
726. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
728. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
730. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
732. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
734. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
736. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
738. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
740. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 29551-9 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
742. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Medication prescribed Narrative | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
744. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
746. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
748. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
750. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
752. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
754. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
756. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
758. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 2..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
760. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest | |||||
Slice Name | MedicationRequest | ||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-處方內容(MedicationRequest)) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
762. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
764. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
766. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的處方內容(MedicationRequest) | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
768. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
770. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
772. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:MedicationRequest.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
774. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication | |||||
Slice Name | Medication | ||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 提供一個連結用於參照或查看支持此小節內容的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-藥物處方內容(Medication)) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
776. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
778. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
780. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的處方內容(Medication) | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
782. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
784. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
786. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.entry:Medication.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
788. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
790. Composition.section:MedicationPrescribed.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
792. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree | |||||
Slice Name | MediaFamilyTree | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的家族圖譜 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
794. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
796. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
798. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
800. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
802. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
804. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
806. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
808. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
810. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
812. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
814. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
816. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
818. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 74027-4 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
820. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Family pedigree identifier | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
822. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
824. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
826. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
828. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
830. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
832. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
834. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
836. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-家族圖譜) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
838. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
840. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
842. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的家族圖譜 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
844. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
846. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
848. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
850. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
852. Composition.section:MediaFamilyTree.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
854. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage | |||||
Slice Name | MediaOutpatientImage | ||||
Definition | 構成composition的各小節 | ||||
Short | 門診病歷中的門診圖像 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | BackboneElement | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | cmp-1: A section must contain at least one of text, entries, or sub-sections (text.exists() or entry.exists() or section.exists() )cmp-2: A section can only have an emptyReason if it is empty ( emptyReason.empty() or entry.empty() )ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children ( hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
856. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
858. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
860. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.modifierExtension | |||||
Definition | 可以用來表示不屬於資料項目的基本定義的附加資訊,並且修改對它所內嵌(contained)的資料項目的理解和(或)對包含資料項目之後續使用的理解。通常,修飾用的資料項目提供否定或限定。為了使擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。處理resource的應用程式被要求檢查修飾用的擴充資料項目。 修飾用的擴充資料項目 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 改變resource或DomainResource上任何資料項目的含義(包括不能改變modifierExtension本身的含義)。 | ||||
Short | 此擴充的資料項目可能會完全修正或改變其他資料項目的意涵,需特別留意。 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何汙名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | true because Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the element that contains them | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 修飾用的資料項目擴充將不能安全地忽略的擴充與絕大多數可以安全地忽略的擴充明確區分開來。透過消除禁止實作者擴充存在的需求來促進可互通性。更多訊息,請參見修飾用的資料項目擴充之定義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
862. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.title | |||||
Definition | 此特定小節的標籤。這將是文件呈現內容的一部分,通常用於建立目錄。 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料標題為何? | ||||
Comments | 標題為人類讀者指明小節。標題必須與作為 section.content 參照目標的resource的敘述一致。通常章節 建議應該(SHOULD) 有標題,但在某些文件中,這可能是不必要的或不適當的。通常情況下,當一個小節有其自己足夠區分的標題的子小節,或只有單一小節的文件時,就會這樣。大多數IG會要求小節標題是必填的資料項目。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 不同類型的文件常常會有標準化的小節標題,這些標題為人們提供如何組織文件的指引。 | ||||
Alternate Names | header, label, caption | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
864. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code | |||||
Definition | 一個用於指明小節中所含內容種類的代碼,這個代碼必須與小節的標題相一致。 | ||||
Short | 小節分類(建議) | ||||
Comments | Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from DocumentSectionCodes (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/doc-section-codes )應填入所綁定值集中適合的代碼,確定無適合的代碼才可以使用其他值集的代碼來表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 提供給文件中主題的標籤是標準化的,並且可以被電腦程式識別和處理。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
866. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照)。這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
868. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.extension | |||||
Definition | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
870. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding | |||||
Definition | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)所定義之代碼的參照 | ||||
Short | 由專門術語系統(terminology system)定義的代碼 | ||||
Comments | 代碼可以在列舉清單(enumerations)或代碼清單(code lists)中非常隨意地定義,直至有非常正式的定義,例如:SNOMED CT—更多資訊見HL7 v3核心原則(Core Principles )。編碼的排序是未定義的因而 必須沒有(SHALL NOT) 被用來推斷意義。一般來說,最多只有一個編碼值(coding values)會被標記為UserSelected = true。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Type | Coding(TW Coding) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Requirements | 允許代碼系統中的替代編碼,以及翻譯到其他編碼系統。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
872. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.id | |||||
Definition | resource中資料項目的唯一ID(用於內部參照),這可以是任何不含空格的字串。 | ||||
Short | 唯一可識別ID,以供資料項目間相互參照。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
874. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.extension | |||||
Definition | 可用於表示不屬於此資料項目基本定義的附加資訊。為了擴充的使用安全和可管理,對擴充的定義和使用有一套嚴格的管理。儘管任何實作者都可以定義一個擴充,但作為擴充定義的一部分,有一套要求 必須(SHALL) 滿足。 | ||||
Short | 擴充的資料項目 | ||||
Comments | 無論使用或定義擴充的機構或管轄區,任何應用程式、專案或標準使用擴充都不背負任何污名(stigma)。使用擴充是允許FHIR規範為每個人保留一個核心的簡易性。 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.code.coding.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
876. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.system | |||||
Definition | 定義代碼中符號意義的代碼系統識別 | ||||
Short | 專門術語系統(terminology system)的識別 | ||||
Comments | URI可以是一個OID(urn:oid:...)或一個UUID(urn:uuid:...);OID和UUID 必須(SHALL) 參照HL7 OID註冊中心;否則,URI應該來自HL7的FHIR定義的特殊URI列表,或者它應該參照一些明確建立的系统定義。 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要明確說明符號定義的來源 | ||||
Fixed Value | http://loinc.org | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
878. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.version | |||||
Definition | 選擇此代碼時使用的代碼系統版本;請注意,一個維護良好的代碼系統不需要版本報告,因為代碼的意義在不同系統版本中是一致的;然而,不能始終保證這點,當不能保證意義一致時, 必須(SHALL) 將版本資訊也一併作交換。 | ||||
Short | 系統的版本—如果相關的話 | ||||
Comments | 如果專門術語沒有明確定義應該使用什麼字串來識別代碼系統的版本,建議使用版本正式發布的日期(用FHIR日期格式表示)作為版本日期。 | ||||
Note | This is a business version Id, not a resource version Id (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
880. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.code | |||||
Definition | 系統定義的語法之符號;符號可能是一個預先定義的代碼,也可能是代碼系統定義的語法中的表達式(如後組合配對/後組合式)。 | ||||
Short | 系統定義的語法之符號 | ||||
Control | 1..1 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要參照系統中的一個特定代碼 | ||||
Fixed Value | 19005-8 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
882. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.display | |||||
Definition | 遵循系統的規則以呈現代碼含義的表示法 | ||||
Short | 由系統定義的表示法 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 需要能為不了解此系統的讀者呈現可讀的代碼含義 | ||||
Fixed Value | Radiology Imaging study [Impression] (narrative) | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
884. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.coding.userSelected | |||||
Definition | 表明此編碼是由使用者直接選擇,例如:從可用項目(代碼或顯示名稱)的清單中選擇。 | ||||
Short | 此編碼是否由使用者直接選擇? | ||||
Comments | 在一系列備選方案中,直接選擇的代碼是新翻譯最合適的起點;關於「直接選擇」的確切意義,存在模糊不清之處,可能需要貿易夥伴的同意,以更完整澄清此資料項目的使用及其後果。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | boolean | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 已被確定為一個臨床安全準則—此確切的系統/代碼對(code pair)是被明確選擇的,而不是由系統根據一些規則或是程式語言處理判斷。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
886. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.code.text | |||||
Definition | 輸入資料的使用者所見/所選/所說的人類可讀文字表述,和(或)其代表使用者的預期含義。 | ||||
Short | 概念的文字表示法 | ||||
Comments | 很多時候,此文字表述與其中一個代碼的顯示名稱相同。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Requirements | 專門術語中的代碼並不總是能捕捉人類使用的細微差別的正確意義,或者根本就沒有合適的代碼;這些情況下,文字表述被用來捕捉來源的全部意義。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
888. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.author | |||||
Definition | 指明誰對小節中的資訊負責,而不一定是誰輸入了它。 | ||||
Short | 誰和/或什麼人撰寫了該小節 | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Reference(TW Core Practitioner, TW Core PractitionerRole, TW Core Organization, TW Core Patient, Device, RelatedPerson) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 指明誰對內容負責 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
890. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.focus | |||||
Definition | 當小節的實際焦點不是composition描述的對象,而是代表與對象相關的某事物或某人時,例如:(對於病人對象)配偶、父母、胎兒或捐贈者。如果沒有指定焦點,則假定焦點為父小節的焦點,或者對於Composition本身中的小節,為Composition的對象。具有焦點的小節只 必須(SHALL) 包含對象(病人、對象、焦點等)與小節焦點相匹配的resources,或者是沒有對象的resources(少數resources)。 | ||||
Short | 當小節與composition描述的對象無關時,此小節是關於誰/什麼。 | ||||
Comments | 通常,文件中的小節是關於該文件的描述對象,無論是病人、一群病人、位置、設備或其他。對於某些種類的文件,有些小節實際上包含有關的實體資料。典型的例子包括新生兒出院病摘中關於母親的小節,或者家族病史文件中關於每個家庭成員的小節,當然還有很多其他例子。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Reference(Resource) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
892. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.text | |||||
Definition | 一個供人閱讀的敘述,包含小節的核實內容,用以展現resource的內容供人類閱讀。這段敘述不需要涵蓋所有結構化的資料,但必須包含足夠的細節,確保僅透過閱讀這段敘述的人能夠在臨床上獲得安全且準確的資訊。 | ||||
Short | 將文件中特定小節的內容簡化成容易理解的文字形式,便於人類閱讀和解釋。 | ||||
Comments | 文件Profile可能會定義應在敘述中呈現哪些內容,以確保臨床安全。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Narrative | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
894. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.mode | |||||
Definition | 條目清單是如何準備的 - 它是一個適合持續維護的工作清單,還是代表從另一個來源截取的項目清單的快照,或者是一個準備好的清單,在該清單中,項目可能被標記為已添加、修改或刪除。 | ||||
Short | 適用於此小節的處理模式 | ||||
Comments | 這個資料項目被標記為修飾用,是因為不應將變更清單(a change list)誤解為完整清單(a complete list)。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from ListMode (required to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-mode|4.0.1 )應填入所綁定值集中的其中一個代碼。 | ||||
Type | code | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Requirements | 小節有多種使用方式,因此必須清楚地了解如何安全地使用其中的條目。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
896. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.orderedBy | |||||
Definition | 指定應用於小節條目的項目順序 | ||||
Short | 小節條目的順序 | ||||
Comments | 應用程式 建議應該(SHOULD) 按照給定的順序來顯示有序清單,但也可以允許用戶按照他們自己的偏好進行重新排序。如果沒有明確指定順序,則該順序是不確定的,雖然清單可能仍有某種排列順序。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListOrderCodes (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-order )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 這對於展示和呈現是重要的,清單可能會進行排序,以便將重要的資訊放在前面,或將相關的條目分組。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
898. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry | |||||
Definition | 指向那些提供小節中敘述內容的實際resource的參照 | ||||
Short | 此筆關聯的資料 | ||||
Comments | 如果清單中沒有條目,則 建議應該(SHOULD) 提供 emptyReason。 | ||||
Control | 1..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-2 | ||||
Type | Reference(門診病歷-門診圖像) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Must Support | true | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
900. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.id | |||||
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. | ||||
Short | Unique id for inter-element referencing | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
902. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.extension | |||||
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. | ||||
Short | Additional content defined by implementations | ||||
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. | ||||
Control | 0..* | ||||
Type | Extension | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Alternate Names | extensions, user content | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) )ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both ( extension.exists() != value.exists() ) | ||||
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on Composition.section.entry.extension . The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: | ||||
904. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.reference | |||||
Definition | A reference to a location at which the other resource is found. The reference may be a relative reference, in which case it is relative to the service base URL, or an absolute URL that resolves to the location where the resource is found. The reference may be version specific or not. If the reference is not to a FHIR RESTful server, then it should be assumed to be version specific. Internal fragment references (start with '#') refer to contained resources. | ||||
Short | 關聯至門診病歷中的門診圖像 | ||||
Comments | Using absolute URLs provides a stable scalable approach suitable for a cloud/web context, while using relative/logical references provides a flexible approach suitable for use when trading across closed eco-system boundaries. Absolute URLs do not need to point to a FHIR RESTful server, though this is the preferred approach. If the URL conforms to the structure "/[type]/[id]" then it should be assumed that the reference is to a FHIR RESTful server. | ||||
Control | 1..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ref-1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
906. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.type | |||||
Definition | The expected type of the target of the reference. If both Reference.type and Reference.reference are populated and Reference.reference is a FHIR URL, both SHALL be consistent. The type is the Canonical URL of Resource Definition that is the type this reference refers to. References are URLs that are relative to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ e.g. "Patient" is a reference to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient. Absolute URLs are only allowed for logical models (and can only be used in references in logical models, not resources). | ||||
Short | Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient") | ||||
Comments | This element is used to indicate the type of the target of the reference. This may be used which ever of the other elements are populated (or not). In some cases, the type of the target may be determined by inspection of the reference (e.g. a RESTful URL) or by resolving the target of the reference; if both the type and a reference is provided, the reference SHALL resolve to a resource of the same type as that specified. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Binding | Unless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from ResourceType (extensible to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/resource-types )Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model). | ||||
Type | uri | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
908. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.identifier | |||||
Definition | An identifier for the target resource. This is used when there is no way to reference the other resource directly, either because the entity it represents is not available through a FHIR server, or because there is no way for the author of the resource to convert a known identifier to an actual location. There is no requirement that a Reference.identifier point to something that is actually exposed as a FHIR instance, but it SHALL point to a business concept that would be expected to be exposed as a FHIR instance, and that instance would need to be of a FHIR resource type allowed by the reference. | ||||
Short | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known | ||||
Comments | When an identifier is provided in place of a reference, any system processing the reference will only be able to resolve the identifier to a reference if it understands the business context in which the identifier is used. Sometimes this is global (e.g. a national identifier) but often it is not. For this reason, none of the useful mechanisms described for working with references (e.g. chaining, includes) are possible, nor should servers be expected to be able resolve the reference. Servers may accept an identifier based reference untouched, resolve it, and/or reject it - see CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.referencePolicy. When both an identifier and a literal reference are provided, the literal reference is preferred. Applications processing the resource are allowed - but not required - to check that the identifier matches the literal reference Applications converting a logical reference to a literal reference may choose to leave the logical reference present, or remove it. Reference is intended to point to a structure that can potentially be expressed as a FHIR resource, though there is no need for it to exist as an actual FHIR resource instance - except in as much as an application wishes to actual find the target of the reference. The content referred to be the identifier must meet the logical constraints implied by any limitations on what resource types are permitted for the reference. For example, it would not be legitimate to send the identifier for a drug prescription if the type were Reference(Observation|DiagnosticReport). One of the use-cases for Reference.identifier is the situation where no FHIR representation exists (where the type is Reference (Any). | ||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | Identifier | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
910. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.entry.display | |||||
Definition | Plain text narrative that identifies the resource in addition to the resource reference. | ||||
Short | Text alternative for the resource | ||||
Comments | This is generally not the same as the Resource.text of the referenced resource. The purpose is to identify what's being referenced, not to fully describe it. | ||||
Control | 0..1 | ||||
Type | string | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension | ||||
Summary | true | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
912. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.emptyReason | |||||
Definition | 如果小節為空,則說明清單為空的原因。一個空的小節通常有一些文字說明空的原因。 | ||||
Short | 為什麼此小節是空的原因 | ||||
Comments | 當一個小節是空的,其空白的原因對於理解該小節非常重要。需要注意的是,這個代碼是用於當整個小節的內容都沒有被包括時,它並不適用於個別項目被省略的情形,若為個別項目被省略的情況,開發者可以考慮在該條目中添加文字說明或標記。 | ||||
Control | 0..1 This element is affected by the following invariants: ele-1 | ||||
Binding | The codes SHOULD be taken from ListEmptyReasons (preferred to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/list-empty-reason )鼓勵使用所綁定值集中的代碼,但不強制一定要使用此值集,你也可使用其他值集的代碼或單純以文字表示。 | ||||
Type | CodeableConcept(TW CodeableConcept) | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Requirements | 允許捕捉像是「不存在」或「未詢問」這樣的情況,這對於大多數清單來說可能很重要。 | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) | ||||
914. Composition.section:MediaOutpatientImage.section | |||||
Definition | 此小節中嵌套的小節 | ||||
Short | 嵌套的小節 | ||||
Comments | 嵌套小節主要是為了幫助讀者快速找到文件中的特定內容 | ||||
Control | 0..* This element is affected by the following invariants: cmp-1 | ||||
Type | Seettp://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition#Composition.section | ||||
Is Modifier | false | ||||
Summary | false | ||||
Invariants | ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count()) ) |